The People Could Fly Suffering Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Paragraph)

Quote #4

Sarah […] couldn't stop to soothe and quiet it down. She let it cry. She didn't want to. She had no heart to croon to it. (8)

After so much suffering, Sarah's spirits are almost broken. She wakes up every day only to work; she's forced to watch her own child go through untold pain; and she's abused on a constant basis. Everyone has a breaking point, and Sarah has reached hers.

Quote #5

The Driver cracked his whip across the babe anyhow. The babe hollered like any hurt child, and the woman fell to the earth. (9)

This is, hands down, the most upsetting image in the entire story. Is there anything more cruel or heartless than someone whipping a baby? Not in our book. At this moment, this all seems like too much for Sarah to handle.

Quote #6

Sarah couldn't stand up straight any longer. She was too weak. The sun burned her faced. The babe cried and cried. (13)

After everything, Sarah is left beaten down both physically and emotionally. While physical suffering is more visible, the psychological side of things can be even more crippling—without hope for the future, it can be difficult to go on.