The Power and the Glory Violence Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph.)

Quote #4

An empty gaseosa bottle sailed through the air and smashed at the lieutenant's feet. His hand went to his holster and he turned; he caught a look of consternation on a boy's face.

"Did you throw that bottle?"

The heavy brown eyes stared sullenly back at him.

"What were you doing?"

"It was a bomb."

"Were you throwing it at me?


"What then?"

"A gringo."

The lieutenant smiled—an awkward movement of the lips. (1.4.107-115)

They didn't have Grand Theft Auto back then, but the children made do. You'll notice that the lieutenant doesn't want to stifle their violence; he encourages it with a smile. He appeals to the boy's violent play because he wants them to appreciate and share his worldview. If this doesn't make him a villain, we don't know what would.

Quote #5

They were breathless with interest. He stood with his hand on his holster and watched the brown intent patient eyes: it was for these he was fighting. He would eliminate from their childhood everything which had made him miserable, all that was poor, superstitious, and corrupt. They deserved nothing less than the truth—a vacant universe and a cooling world, the right to be happy in any way they chose. He was quite prepared to make a massacre for their sakes—first the Church and then the foreigner and then the politician—even his own chief would one day have to go. He wanted to begin the world again with them, in a desert. (1.4.129)

A few shootings here and there doesn't trouble the lieutenant; he wants to pulverize the world and make something new. Too bad the world isn't his to mold. We wonder how that's all going to turn out for him…

Quote #6

"No, but as I was saying—life has such irony. It was my painful duty to watch the priest who gave me that communion shot—an old man. I am not ashamed to say that I wept." (2.2.156)

Whatever guilt the chief had overseeing the shooting of a priest he personally knew has since left him. He's not as violent a man as the lieutenant is, but he's happy to pass the dirty work on to others. Mostly he just complains about his tooth.