The Power of One Coming of Age Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

I put both my hands out, and he flipped the ball lightly into them. Suddenly I was sitting on the floor with Klipkop laughing over me. "It's a medicine ball, and it weighs fifteen pounds. When you can throw one of these over my head, you'll be strong enough to begin to box." (10.171)

At this point Peekay is really reminded of his own smallness, and given a goal that will help him focus on growing up.

Quote #5

He had pushed me away from the punching ball, and I had tripped over a rubber mat and fallen. Picking myself up, I had squared up to him, when Lieutenant Smit, seeming not to have noticed the incident, said he wanted to see us in the ring. My heart thumped as I realized that the moment had come. (11.40)

Finally, Peekay has his chance to get into the ring and fight. Let's hope all that medicine-ball-throwing has paid off…This is another moment where Peekay grows up—see, it doesn't all happen all at once.

Quote #6

I was the youngest kid in the first form but, what with one thing and another, I was clearly seen to have a bright future at the Prince of Wales School. (17.1)

What is the "one things and another" that gives Peekay a reputation as a shining star? Is it that he's smart? A good athlete? A good musician? Or is it something about his personality?