The Power of One Race Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Throwing caution to the winds, he yelled, "We have one, we have a boxer!" The colored man's intrusion into the general hilarity caused a sudden silence around the ring.
Lieutenant Smit's fist caught him in the mouth. The little man dropped to the floor, blood spurting from his flattened nose. (11.45-46)

Why do you think that Geel Piet's joining in the team's happiness is such a crime here? Does it have to do with the fact that he's a prisoner? Mixed-race? Both?

Quote #5

"'Many mansions' is the Lord's way of saying that he loves all of mankind but that he recognizes there are differences, like black and white. So he has a place for black angels and another place for white angels," he said smugly. (13.11)

Here the pastor is referring to a Bible verse, but he's making sure that heaven will be segregated just like South Africa. By putting people into different heavens, he's creating a racially segregated ideal for the children in Sunday school to strive for.

Quote #6

Klipkop stepped out of the photographer's former arrangement. "No way, man! I'm not having my photo taken with a blery kaffir!" (13.45)

This is a real turning point, because while Klipkop is showing us the majority's attitude toward Geel Piet, it is a miracle that Lieutenant Smit invited him into the photo in the first place.