The Power of One Religion Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I guess my mother was right when she said if I kept rejecting the Lord and hardening my heart one day He might just go away and leave me to it. That's what must have happened, because after a while it got a lot easier and I didn't worry as much. (10.38)

Poor Mom, little did she know that her threats would be a comfort to Peekay. But he just doesn't seem to be the slightest bit interested in religion, which is too bad for the Apostolic Faith Mission's head count.

Quote #8

It was natural for me to ask questions. Doc demanded them, had trained my mind to search for truth. To confront what lacked logic or offended common sense was as natural for me as climbing trees. (12.18)

If Doc was the one who trained Peekay's mind, do you think it really is natural for him to answer questions? Or is it that everyone is naturally curious, but they lose that natural inquisitiveness unless they find people who encourage them?

Quote #9

I privately thought this an almost perfect solution. The old man had spent his life as a sinner and then, at the last possible moment, was snatched from the jaws of hell by a pimply-faced girl whose heart was filled with love and compassion. (13.27)

Peekay's got his own plan for salvation down perfectly; now he just needs to find a pimply girl and he'll be set for heaven.