The Prologue Quizzes

    Think you’ve got your head wrapped around The Prologue? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
    Q. What do our speaker's critics think she should be holding, instead of a pen?

    A screwdriver
    A needle
    A loaf of bread
    A baby
    Q. How does the speaker describe her "Muse"?

    foolish, broken, blemished
    laughing, winsome, gay
    tall, dark, handsome
    short, slow, stumpy
    Q. What does the speaker compare her poetry to in line 47?

    A day-old doughnut
    Unleavened bread
    Unrefined ore
    A monkey
    Q. What does she worry she will be accused of if her poems are good (30)?

    Plagiarism or dumb luck
    Being a show-off
    Trying too hard
    Having cooties
    Q. How does she describe the trouble with her brain?

    It's "torn and tired"
    It's "weak and wounded"
    It's "fat and flabby"
    It's "awesome"