The Ransom of Red Chief Dreams, Hopes and Plans Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Paragraph)

Quote #7

There was a sylvan attitude of sleepiness pervading that section of the external outward surface of Alabama that lay exposed to view. "Perhaps," says I to myself, "it has not yet been discovered that the wolves have borne away the tender lambkin from the fold. Heaven help the wolves!" (31)

Sam doesn't think anything of the fact that no one is out scouring the countryside for this boy—if anything, maybe Johnny's absence has made things more peaceful than usual. Either way, people have probably noticed that Johnny is gone, but nobody seems to be missing the kid. Hmmm… we wonder why.

Quote #8

There don't seem to be much excitement around Summit on account of his disappearance; but maybe they haven't realized yet that he's gone. His folks may think he's spending the night with Aunt Jane or one of the neighbors. Anyhow, he'll be missed today. (37)

Even we aren't fully aware of what to expect next. We are operating on the same false assumptions that Sam is—that of course Johnny's father will rise to the occasion once he discovers that the boy is missing.

Quote #9

"Now, you come in and make friends with him and say you are sorry for hurting him, or home you go, at once." (46)

Sam really believes that he will convince Johnny to start behaving, or at least convince the boy from causing Bill any further physical harm. It's also a tad ironic that the kidnappers have to threaten their victim with being sent home as punishment.