The Ransom of Red Chief Justice and Judgment Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Paragraph)

Quote #4

Just at daybreak I was awakened by a series of awful screams from Bill. They weren't yells, or howls, or shouts, or whoops, or yawps, such as you'd expect from a manly set of vocal organs—they were simply indecent, terrifying, humiliating screams, such as women emit when they see ghosts or caterpillars. It's an awful thing to hear a strong, desperate, fat man scream uncontrollably in a cave at daybreak. (24)

This is another indication that the boys are in way over their heads. Johnny is trying to scalp Bill. Literally. With an actual knife and everything. The tides are just starting to turn on the traditional kidnapper/victim roles we are expecting.

Quote #5

"It has not yet been discovered that the wolves have borne away the tender lambkin from the fold. Heaven help the wolves!" (31)

Sam is clearly aware of how this situation is starting to unfold, but he is still casually cracking jokes to himself about it. He's sure that no one is looking for Johnny because no one has noticed his absence yet.

Quote #6

"I'll fix you," says the kid to Bill. "No man ever yet struck the Red Chief but he got paid for it. You better beware!" (34)

I'd say that victim is looking rather dangerous right about now. We must remind you that Johnny is a mere ten years of age.