The Reivers Manipulation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

I realised, felt suddenly that same exultant fever-flash which Faustus himself must have experienced: that of we two doomed and irrevocable, I was the leader, I was the boss, the master. (3.25)

Has Lucius been manipulated, after all? Or is he the one calling the shots? Sure, Dr. Faustus was manipulated by the devil, in a way, but he also chose to sell his soul. It seems that Lucius is entertaining a second possibility here, that it's he who is giving Boon permission to manipulate him.

Quote #5

We stood in the back yard. He blinked at me. Quite often, most of the time in fact, his eyes had a reddish look, like a fox's. (3.27)

Lucius is talking about Ned, and we find it interesting that our antagonist has red eyes. Quite devilish. It's also interesting that he is like a fox, which we know can be a quite cunning creature. Very fitting for a guy like Ned.

Quote #6

"Maybe we're wasting something, just spending it on a automobile trip," he said. "Maybe I ought to use you for something that's got money in it." (3.59)

Hmm, looks like Boon is thinking of using Lucius again, but this time for a bank robbery or something. He seems to think he and Lucius are pretty bad partners in crime. Is Lucius really breaking bad? Is it just a phase? Does he really know what he's doing?