The Reivers Men and Masculinity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"[Miss Corrie] is the reason me and Lightning are free right now. That Butch found out he couldn't get to her no other way, and when he found out that me and you and Boon had to win that race today before we could dare to go back home, and all we had to win it with was Lightning, he took Lightning and locked him up. That's what happened." (12.17)

Ned reveals to Lucius that Butch used the horserace as an excuse to get Miss Corrie to do, well, you know, exactly what he wanted. In other words, Butch used his masculinity as leverage not only to imprison Lightning, Ned, and Boon under false circumstances, but also to subjugate Miss Corrie. Not a very good guy.

Quote #8

"No!" I said. "No! It wasn't her! She's not even here! She went back to Memphis with Sam yesterday evening! They just didn't tell you! It was something else! It was another one!"

"No," Ned said. "It was her." (12.19-20)

Lucius reacts with disbelief when he learns that Miss Corrie submitted to Butch's advancements in an effort to free Lightning, Ned, and Boon from prison. His reaction reveals his discomfort with Butch's actions.

Quote #9

"Why didn't somebody else help her? a man to help her—that man, that man that took you and Lightning, that told Sam and Butch both they could be whatever they wanted in Memphis or Nashville or Hardwick either, but that here in Possum he was the one—" I said, creid: "I don't believe it!" (12.22)

Lucius continues to react with disbelief. Yet he also affirms his belief that masculinity should protect femininity when he calls for a man to help Miss Corrie out of her tricky situation with another man.