The Returning Contrasting Regions Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

"This is no ordinary marriage. You will join North and South and make it one thing." Graceful thought, He is right. And did not know what to feel about that. (13.141)

Graceful's marriage to Gyaar is super important because it brings peace and stability to the nation, but it also shows everyone that the two sides can unite. It's an earth-shattering moment for Graceful, who likes to think of the two groups as polar opposites.

Quote #11

She does seem very Uplander in her ways, her dress. Even speaking… her accent is like theirs. (16.51)

Pin makes this offhanded comment about Graceful years after her marriage, which we know she didn't want to go through with. It's funny, isn't it? Graceful seems like "one of them" when she was one of the most vocal about how different the Uplanders were from her people.