The Revenger's Tragedy Quotes

How we cite our quotes:

Quote #1

We must coin.
Women are apt, you know, to take false money,
But I dare stake my soul for these two creatures.
Only excuse excepted that they'll swallow,
Because their sex is easy in belief. [Enter Mother and Castiza.]


Vindice seems to think women are pretty gullible. He respects the virtue of his mother and sister, but thinks they're not so good at seeing through deceit. Does the play bear his theories out, or does it have a different view of women?

Quote #2

What, brother? am I far enough from myself?

As if another man had been sent whole
Into the world, and none wist how he came.

It will confirm me bold: the child a'the court. 


Vindice puts on a disguise here and asks if he's different enough from his usual self. Hippolito answers he's like a different man, and while on one hand this means Vindice's costume is working, we're thinking it's also a shout-out to the shifts taking place internally for Vindice.

Quote #3

It would not prove the meanest policy
In this disguise to try the faith of both;


Lussurioso sends Vindice (in disguise as Piato) to try to corrupt his sister into sleeping with Lussurioso for money, and Vindice decides this is a good opportunity to test the virtue of his mother and sister. Is there anything good about his plan, or is he basically justifying his participation in a situation he should walk away from?