The River Between Us Time Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Delphine murmured what he was singing, though she never looked my way:

It is not everyone who knows
How to dance the old-time dances.

It seems like it's just Calinda who knows "how to dance the old-time dances," in fact. Everyone else's dancing skills have been sadly neglected, and Tilly can't even waltz. And here we were thinking Grand Tower was the dancing capital of the world. (Kidding.)

Quote #5

There we are, trapped in time, Delphine and me on either side of Noah. I stare straight ahead from under the bird on my hat like I'm resigned to being shot at sunrise. I'd thrown back my veils, but Delphine didn't. She looks through them, forever a woman of mystery, and not quite sixteen. (13.3)

Being trapped in time sounds worse than being a ghost. All of the being stuck in one place, none of the going around scaring people for funsies. Just a lot of sitting there staring at people.

Quote #6

It was a steam calliope, so one of the warships had once been a showboat. It was playing a funeral dirge, "O Rest in the Lord." The sound of a showboat calliope sending this grieving music on ahead hung ever after in my mind. (13.18)

Of all the times and tunes to get stuck in your head, this isn't the one we'd pick. We'd go with some sweet, late-'90s boy band, instead.