The River Between Us Versions of Reality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"To her, Noah is dead. She read it in the cards."

"Then she read them wrong," I said, clenching my chin like a fist.

"She read death in the cards," Delphine said as if I hadn't spoken. "She see the coffin come up the river." (13.40-42)

Ah, the old plot twist. Like everyone else, we assume the only coffin we'll see would be Noah's. We're not even thinking about Paw at this point—and unfortunately, neither is Mama.

Quote #8

"Does your mama want Calinda to find a white man too?"

Delphine shrugged off that entire notion. "Mais non. Our Maman see early that Calinda has the gift of prophecy and is born with ancient secrets. Maman see that Calinda can make her own way in the world." (14.9-10)

Hey, when you got skills, you got skills. Fortunately for Calinda, people are willing to pay for hers, so she has a career ahead of her.

Quote #9

"But if the South wins—"

She put up a thimbled hand to still me. "It will not. We lose the war. This year. Another year. I dream. I pretend, but it is in the cards. Calinda see it. Why deceive oneself? Her cards are never wrong." (14.21)

Calinda is a really convenient person to have around. No more making decisions based on what might happen because now you know and can plan for the collapse of your entire society.