The River Between Us Warfare Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

"You'll think I'm too old for a soldier," he said, "and maybe I am. But they'll need doctors. I didn't want to spring it on you at the last minute. You'd have to take over at home till I got back, be there for your mother and the boys."

In the quiet, I heard my dad waiting. He wanted it to be all right with me. He wanted my approval. Nothing this grown-up had happened to me before. This was something Grandma Tilly couldn't understand—how war promises a boy it can make a man out of him. (15.47-48)

Yep, sounds like Howard was on Noah's side all along in this "going off to war" business. Howard and his dad face another war in another century. Does the juxtaposition of these wars make us think about how similar they are, or how different they are? Or both?