The Seafarer Spirituality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Line)

Quote #4

And his fame afterwards          will live with the angels
for ever and ever,          the glory of eternal life,
joy with the Hosts. […]

Notice that this passage doesn't claim that the person will live forever, but only his fame, or what people say about him. Still, the passage acknowledges that eternal life with the angels is something very desirable indeed.

Quote #5

Nor can the soul          which is full of sin
preserve the gold          before the fear of God,
though he hid it before          while he was yet alive.

This passage actually mentions two things that the soul might hope to hide: its sinfulness andits gold. In fact, the gold is the soul's sin, since its represents a not-so-virtuous attachment to material things, which gets in the way of the soul's relationship with God.

Quote #6

Great is the fear of the Lord,           before which the world stands still;
He established           the firm foundations,
the corners of the world          and the high heavens.

Ah, so it's the fear of the Lord that finally puts all this restlessness, travel, and motion to a stop. The sense of God's stability is also conveyed by the description of God as creator of "firm foundations."