The Seagull Art and Culture Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Line)

Quote #7

Konstantin: It started that night my play was such a howling failure. Women never forgive failures. I burned it, every last page. (2.87)

Konstantin believes that Nina rejects him because of his play. So he's failed as an artist and as a man. Double ouch.

Quote #8

Arkadina: You're so talented, so smart, you're the greatest writer alive, you're the only hope of Russia… you think I'm exaggerating? Lying? Look into my eyes. (3.103)

Arkadina knows the way to a writer's heart: his ego.

Quote #9

Dorn: Evenings, when you left your hotel, the entire street was full of people. You drift along with the crowd, no destination in mind, just back and forth; it becomes a living thing, and you become part of it, spiritually as well as physically; you begin to believe that a universal world soul is possible… like in your play, Konstantin, remember? (4.65)

Intelligent, educated, and sensitive, Dorn was the only person to genuinely compliment Konstantin on his play in Act 1.