The Seagull Dissatisfaction Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Line)

Quote #7

Dorn: She'll have a couple vodkas before lunch. (2.40)

Masha treats her unhappiness with drugs and alcohol.

Quote #8

Trigorin: Here I am talking to you, I'm all worked up, and still I can't forget for a minute that I've got a story to finish. (2.100)

Like being in love, being creative can mean a continual restlessness.

Quote #9

Sorin: But you're going away… It'll be so boring around here without you.
Arkadina: What makes you think it'll be any better in town?
Sorin: It won't. But I still want to go. (Laughs) (3.34-36)

The oldest character in the play and an ill one, Sorin has a little more perspective on his desires. He recognizes that being elsewhere won't improve his situation, but he still longs for a change. He laughs at his own foolishness.