The Seagull Jealousy Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Line)

Quote #4

Konstantin: "Nay, but to live
in the rank sweat of an enseamed bed,
stewed in corruption, honeying and making love
over the nasty sty –" (1.89)

Arkadina starts reciting Hamlet as a barb at her neurotic son—but he gives it right back to her. In this quotation, Hamlet criticizes his mother for her hasty, lust-driven marriage to Hamlet's uncle. Konstantin implies that Arkadina's relationship with Trigorin is less than innocent.

Quote #5

Paulina: I know why you want to be rid of me. It's because you've got lots of women, don't you? I'm not the only one, am I? You can't have them all move in with you, can you? (2.68)

Perhaps Masha inherited the tendency to love the wrong man from her mother, Paulina. Dorn, of course, has no intention of moving in with anybody.

Quote #6

Konstantin: Here comes the real talent! Behold, he enters! Just like Hamlet—he was reading a book too. (2.87)

Konstantin misses no opportunities to belittle Trigorin in front of Nina. It's a lost cause, though.