Find the perfect quote to float your boat. Shmoop breaks down key quotations from The Secret Miracle.
Versions of Reality Quotes
"[T]he clocks chimed the hour of the inescapable game; the dreamer was running across the sand of a desert in the rain, but he could recall neither the figures nor the rules of chess. At that point...
Literature and Writing Quotes
Apart from a few friends and many routines, the problematic pursuit of literature constituted the whole of his life; like every writer, he measured other men's virtues by what they had accomplished...
Warfare Quotes
A rhythmic and unanimous sound, punctuated by the barking of orders, rose from the Zeltnergasse. It was sunrise, and the armored vanguard of the Third Reich was rolling into Prague. (1)
Religion Quotes
And God caused him to die for a hundred years, and then raised him to life. And God said, "How long hast thou waited?" He said, I have waited a day or part of a day." Qur'ān, 2:261 (Epigraph)