Think you’ve got your head wrapped around The Selection? Put your knowledge to
the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Who says, "A girl has more than one way she can pay for what she wants"?
America Singer
Marlee Tames
Celeste Newsome
Q. Who says, "I can't make you like me. I can't stand the thought of you hungry or cold or scared"?
Prince Maxon
Mr. Singer
Aspen Leger
Pauly D
Q. Who says, "You are the last Five left in the competition, yes? Do you think that hurts your chances of becoming the princess"?
King Clarkson
Queen Amberly
Gavril Fadaye
Prince Maxon
Q. Who says, "But what about the Eights? Isn't that caste responsible for most for the crimes? They don't get any education"?
America Singer
Prince Maxon
Marlee Tames
Queen Amberly
Q. Who says, "If this were a simpler matter, I'd have eliminated everyone else by now"?
Aspen Leger
Prince Maxon
America Singer
Queen Amberly