Symbolism, Imagery, Allegory
Like any good dystopian romance, The Selection is as focused on the state of its world as it is on the personal relationships of its characters. In this instance, that world is Illéa, one of the m...
What's Up With the Title?
The Selection is all about this reality show called the Selection, in which thirty-five girls compete for the hand of Illéa's crown prince, and, consequently, for regency over the entire freaking...
What's Up With the Ending?
A lot of stuff goes down in the last chapters of The Selection. We see the return of Aspen, who immediately restarts his passionate relationship with America. We see a brutal and deadly rebel attac...
The Selection is written in a totally readable style, so you'll feel compelled to keep turning pages whether you want to or not. It's a lot easier to read this book than it is to pick between thirt...