The Usual Rules Abandonment Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Sometime before lunch, they had all their stuff packed up, and they loaded the bags in the trunk and the backseat of Kate's car. They stayed at Kate's apartment for a long time, while her mother found their new apartment.

At first she didn't ask any questions about her father, but finally she asked when they were going back home again. Never, said her mother. (4.95-96)

Poor little Wendy doesn't understand why they're going to stay with Kate or why they have a new apartment. She just wants to go back to their old life when they were a complete family with a father, mother, and Wendy.

Quote #5

Wendy hadn't realized it until then, but up until that moment, she had believed that Josh would stop her from leaving. She might tell her teachers she was going away, and take her clothes out of the closet and pack them into suitcases, pack up her drawing pencils, take her Madonna poster off the wall. (12.68)

Wendy may be the one leaving her family behind, but she feels abandoned because Josh isn't trying to stop her. He's just letting her walk out of their lives and move all the way to California.

Quote #6

There, her mother said. You satisfied now? Here's the guy you want so much to get away from. Your own father walks out on you flat, and along comes Josh, who hadn't exactly been in desperate need of some seven-year-old daughter. He was having a pretty great life without us, as a matter of fact. And all he wants to do is spend as much time with you as he can. So you kick him in the teeth for it? (19.91)

Garrett may be the dad who abandoned Wendy, but Josh is the one she lashes out at. It's no wonder Janet is frustrated by Wendy's treatment of her stepfather—she can come across as insanely ungrateful to a guy that's only ever shown her love and acceptance.