The Usual Rules Coming of Age Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

None of them's yours, right? she said.

I'm just visiting, Wendy said. She must really have changed for someone to imagine she could be some baby's mother. Not that this girl looked old enough either. (16.17-18)

Wendy is super surprised the girl in the hospital thinks she could have a baby. She's never been old enough for someone to mistake her for a mother before—she's always been just a kid.

Quote #5

Kids are supposed to complain about their parents, he said. I should feel flattered. If our daughter starts saying how thrilled she was to hang out with us all the time, we'd know she must be doing crack cocaine behind our backs. Either that or she was a hopeless loser. (19.94)

Wendy's mom is totally exasperated with her attitude, but Josh is more patient and accepting. He knows it's a phase. Wendy is just going through her teenage years and it'll all pass eventually.

Quote #6

Ten years from now, her mother might not even recognize her. Already she was different, but the day would come when she'd be this person her mother had never seen. There would be other people—someone like Carolyn, or Alan, or even Violet—who had known her longer than her mother ever did. (20.78)

Growing up is bittersweet for Wendy because although she likes seeing the change in herself, she regrets the fact that her mom can't be there to witness it. Wendy always thought she'd be there to share in all of her major life events.