The Usual Rules Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Sometimes it's important to have someone like that around, Wendy said. Even if you might disagree with what they tell you […]

What a person really needs is more of a sidekick, he said. Someone who can tell you you're full of it, but in a nice way. When you've got a brother like that, you're never totally alone. There's always someone on your team. (24.45-46)

Wendy understands what Todd is going through and why he'll comb the entire country to find his brother. After all, Kevin is the only person in his life who's always been there for him—and that's something that is precious and worth hunting down.

Quote #5

She wrote down her phone numbers—both of them, Davis and New York. If you end up in my town someday, you could give me a call, she said. I've got a pretty flexible schedule. (24.55)

Although she's just met this kid and probably shouldn't trust him right off the bat, Wendy feels a connection to Todd. She tells him to call or look her up anytime; she wants to be another person he can rely on since he doesn't have many.

Quote #6

If you're going to be alone, you could have dinner with my father and his girlfriend and me, she said. My dad's girlfriend's son is coming for a visit the day before, but on Christmas Day, it's just going to be us. (28.101)

Alan has helped Wendy a lot with her grief by allowing her to loiter around his bookstore and lending her books—so she tries to help him in turn when she can. When she learns that he and Tim will be alone on Christmas, she invites them to join her family. It's the least she can do.