The Usual Rules Guilt and Blame Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I know I let you down, too, he said. My mother was right about one thing probably. I was a major f***up as a father.

It's okay, she said, not exactly denying it.

Not only that. I screwed up where your mother was concerned, too. She was one terrific girl. I just wasn't ready to handle all the responsibility. (25.75-77)

When Garrett apologizes for being a bad father, Wendy can't exactly tell him it's not true—he hasn't been around in her life. But now he's trying really hard, and she can appreciate that.

Quote #8

We're not talking about some kind of husband-stealer. This is your mother's best friend. Someone else who happens to be missing your mom pretty badly and feeling this big, awful empty space of her own.

Kate and my mom talked on the phone every single day.

And all that time Kate and your mom were friends, did you ever get the feeling Kate wanted to take Josh away from her? Let alone wish she was dead. (28.144-146)

Although it would be easy for Wendy to resent Kate for being romantically involved with Josh after Janet's death, she knows it wasn't done in malice. Carolyn explains to her how this could have happened, and Wendy decides she won't blame them for anything.

Quote #9

Just a small scrap of something good is all. This is more like a harmonica tune and one small star shining down on them. You've got two good people who've had a crushing load of grief lately, and if they can find some way to give each other a little comfort one of these days, who'd begrudge them? (28.161)

Carolyn has a good point: It would be cruel to deny Kate and Josh the little comfort that they do have. After all, they're not bad people and they both loved Janet wholeheartedly. They're not doing this to hurt Wendy or Louie.