
If you were within a 200-foot radius of a dorm back in the late 90's or early 00's, chances are you say a few Usual Suspects posters, (probably tacked up next to a Pulp Fiction poster).

The appeal of The Usual Suspects is massive: it's clever, violent, and contains one of the most stunning twist endings in movie histories.

But its actual status is sort of halfway between "cult classic" and classic-classic status.

Its appeal isn't niche in the way that The Rocky Horror Picture Show used to be (before it also became mainstream). Usual Suspects' fans aren't necessarily people locked into a very specific vibe, or those heart films because they're campy-good or bad-good—think Reefer Madness or The Room.

At the same time, this flick isn't quite in Casablanca or The Godfather territory—it's not a universally acknowledged immortal masterpiece. But it's considered an awesome movie, and its inside jokes have made their way into the collective imagination.

Traces of The Usual Suspects' influence and fanbase crop up everywhere. Moe's Southwest Grill chain has a salsa called, "Who is Kaiser Salsa?" available at its salsa bar. Key and Peele parodied it…and so did Cougar Town, SNL, Robot Chicken, and Scary Movie. (Source)

With that many spoofs, you know you're deeply entrenched in the cultural mind.