The Usual Suspects Quiz Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around The Usual Suspects? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What does Verbal say to Kujan about the devil?

"The Devil never lets you in on his tricks."
"You can't fight the Devil with one hand behind your back."
"The Devil's got the best taste in cool hats. He has swag."
"The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist."
Q. What does Kobayashi say about betrayal?

"One cannot be betrayed if one has no people."
"Betrayal always makes me want to listen to sad songs by The Cure and curl up with a bottle of Zinfandel."
"Betrayal requires a kind of courage that does not seem courageous at all."
"Betrayal is the worst sin—worse than murder."
Q. What does Kujan say when Verbal asks him if Keyser Söze was genuinely real?

"I don't know, Verbal. Keyser Söze's a shield, or, like you said, a spook story."
"Verbal… I am Keyser Söze."
"Keyser Söze is definitely out there, man. Look sharp."
"Keyser Söze… is that some kind of roll you can buy at a bakery?"
Q. What does Verbal say about his fear of Keyser Söze?

"Why would I be afraid of a type of bread roll?"
"Keaton always said, "I don't believe in God, but I'm afraid of him." Well, I believe in God... and the only thing that scares me is Keyser Söze."
"I'm not afraid of death… but I am afraid of dying. And that's what scares me—the way Keyser Söze might kill me."
"The constant threat of Söze's wrath is hovering over me all the time… And that's terrifying."
Q. What does Verbal say when Kujan asks him why he didn't shoot Keyser Söze, even though Söze was about to kill Keaton?

"I tried to shoot him… But my gun jammed."
"I was beating my personal record on Flappy Bird… couldn't stop…"
How do you shoot the Devil in the back? What if you miss?"
"Deep down, I hated Keaton… I wanted him to die."