The Waves Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around The Waves? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Whose portrait does Miss Lambert sit underneath?

Queen Victoria
Kate Middleton
King George
Queen Alexandra
Q. What cathedral does Bernard mention entering toward the end of the novel?

St. Patrick's
St. Peter's
St. Michael's
St. Paul's
Q. Where does Bernard regret refusing to go with Percival?

Westminster Abbey
Hampton Court
The Hampton Inn
Buckingham Palace
Q. Where does Bernard go after Percival's death?

A museum
The opera
A luncheonette
Q. What is a possible reading of The Waves?

All the characters are one person
All the characters are speaking from beyond the grave
All the characters are Tyler Durden
All the characters are still children