The Whipping Resources


Life of Hayden

Get all the dirt right here.

Everything Hayden

Wow—there's something here for everybody.

Afro Poets

Check out this very brief bio and some links to some poems.

Poetry Foundation

Here's some great analysis of Hayden's career as a poet.

Paradise Valley

Check out this area of Detroit where Robert Hayden grew up. (We're wondering if they call it Paradise Valley to be ironic.)


Hayden on C-SPAN

This is just fantastic (and you get to hear Hayden's voice, too).

One Interpretation

This reader tries out some home snapshots to help his reading along.


Is that Jeremy Irons?

We're not sure who this is (it's definitely not Jackie Morgan), but this guy reading the poem sure sounds like Jeremy Irons.

Deep Voice

Here's another serious, sonorous reading.


Rockin' the Bowtie

Here's famous picture of Robert Hayden with his trademark tie.

Hayden in Short Sleeves

Maybe it was too hot for the bowtie on the day this picture was taken?

R.I.P., Mr. Hayden

Here's a picture of Robert Hayden's grave stone.

Articles and Interviews

Hayden and Detroit

Did you know Hayden grew up in Detroit? And wrote about it a lot? Check it out right here.


Heart-Shape in the Dust

Hmm, well given the price this is probably a first edition.

Essays on the Poetry

There's lots of good stuff in here, and some of these essays were even penned by Hayden's former colleague and friend, Laurence Goldstein.