Manfred Bruch Timeline and Summary


Manfred Bruch Timeline and Summary

  • Before Sym (or we, as readers) meet Manfred, he befriends Victor through a website called Thoughtextreme.
  • Posing as a film director who's interested in Victor's project, Manfred cons Victor out of a large sum of money over an extended period of time.
  • Manfred hires a young actor to play the role of his son, Sigurd, to help swindle Victor.
  • Manfred and Sigurd join a trip to Antarctica bankrolled by Victor. There, Manfred gives Victor fake coordinates to Symmes's Hole, the object of Victor's obsession. In return, Victor gives Manfred a fake check.
  • His exit foiled by an exploding plane, Manfred agrees to go hunt for Symmes's Hole with Victor.
  • On the expedition, Manfred becomes very ill. It turns out Victor has been poisoning him the whole time.
  • After a particularly hairy situation, Manfred admits that he's been conning Victor this whole time. Victor is unmoved. He still believes in Symmes's Hole.
  • Victor tricks Manfred into getting out of the vehicle, and then he drives away. Running, Manfred almost catches up to the vehicle, but at the last minute, he breaks his ankle.
  • Driving off, Victor leaves Manfred to die in the snow. We're thinking the poison kills him first, though. R.I.P.