Find the perfect quote to float your boat. Shmoop breaks down key quotations from The White Darkness.
Man vs. Nature Quotes
An hour later, the plane collided with some invisible barrier and dropped through the air. Cold engulfed the cabin. We had crossed the Antarctic Circle, and it was as solid a thing as an electric f...
Madness Quotes
He does hate mobile phones, I know—says they interfere with signals in the brain. […] Grudgingly he passed me the phone and the attachment he'd invented to protect his brain from it—a plastic...
Loneliness Quotes
She and I sit down at the computer every evening, like spiritualists at a séance, and check for messages from friends we don't have, family we don't possess. (3.45)
Sex and Sexuality Quotes
"How many boys have you snogged?" There is no right answer. You say "none" and you're sad and frigid…. You refuse to answer and you are sadder still […]. (1.13)
Mortality Quotes
"Up to a point I was very fit… until death set in. Death is inclined to undermine one's fitness." (1.55)
Versions of Reality Quotes
I watched so intently—concentrated so hard—that there was no sofa, and no screen…no whine from the fridge or thump from the central heating. And it became real. So real. So real. So real. So...
Deception Quotes
"What say we don't tell Lillian, eh? Let's keep it our little secret." (3.34)
Exploration Quotes
Somewhere near here—out on the Barrier or up on the Polar Plateau—lies a geographical soft spot, like that hole in a newborn baby's head. (8.19)