The White Devil Quotes

Find the perfect quote to float your boat. Shmoop breaks down key quotations from The White Devil.

Betrayal Quotes

Vit. …They told me my intent was to root up That well-grown yew, and plant i' the stead of it A wither'd blackthorn; and for that they vow'd To bury me alive. (1.2)

Family Quotes

Flam. So would I; I would the common'st courtesan in Rome Had been my mother, rather than thyself. Nature is very pitiful to whores, To give them but few children, yet those children Plurality of f...

Lust Quotes

Cam. …Your silkworm used to fast every third day, and the next following spins the better. To-morrow at night, I am for you. (1.2)

Revenge Quotes

Vit. …Take it for words—O woman's poor revengeWhich dwells but in the tongue, I will not weep…(3.2)

Ambition Quotes

Corn. What! because we are poor Shall we be vicious? (1.2)

Women and Femininity Quotes

Flam. …Her coyness! that 's but the superficies of lust most women have; yet why should ladies blush to hear that named, which they do not fear to handle? Oh, they are politic; they know our desi...

Mortality Quotes

Giov. What do the dead do, uncle? do they eat, Hear music, go a-hunting, and be merry, As we that live?Fran. No, coz; they sleep.Giov. Lord, Lord, that I were dead! I have not slept these six night...

Power Quotes

Lodo. I am ever bound to you. This is the world's alms; pray make use of it. Great men sell sheep, thus to be cut in pieces, When first they have shorn them bare, and sold their fleeces. (1.1.)

Philosophical Viewpoints: Machiavellianism, Pessimism, and Stoicism Quotes

Lodo. …Fortune's a right whore: If she give aught, she deals it in small parcels,That she may take away all at one swoop. (1.1)