Billy Miller Timeline and Summary


Billy Miller Timeline and Summary

  • While on vacation with his family, Billy falls and bumps his head. Now he has a lump.
  • Billy has to start second grade with the lump, which he feels super nervous about, but he goes anyway.
  • In school, Billy meets Emma, a mean kid, and Ms. Silver, a pretty great teacher.
  • Billy is afraid that when he teased Emma he also accidentally insulted Ms. S, so Billy gives her silver gifts to say he's sorry.
  • For homework Billy needs to make a diorama, and Papa helps him create a bat cave that's pretty neat.
  • Sal puts glitter in the bat cave, which isn't neat at all, but Papa convinces Billy that it makes the rocks look like the mineral mica, so eventually he's cool with it.
  • After school, Billy tells Papa that he wants to start calling him Dad and his Mama Mom. He also gets to see his dad's new dioramas, including his portrait of Billy.
  • When Papa and Mama go to Chicago for the night, Billy and Sal enjoy a night with Gabby, the babysitter. Billy tries to stay up all night long and recruits Sal to help, but in the end they fail.
  • Despite falling asleep, Billy gives his sister the special dragon pearl from Ms. S, and he also writes her a letter with his special dragon stamp envelope.
  • For the end-of-year show, Billy has to write a poem. He's not sure who to write it about at first, but eventually decides to write about Mama.
  • Poor Billy discovers that writing poetry sure is tough. Ms. Silver helps him out, and so does his mom.
  • Billy finally finishes his poem about Mama and practices it a ton.
  • At the poetry show, Billy wants to recite his poem by heart, but forgets the words and uses a paper copy instead. But later he meets his goal, after everyone's left. Yay. He recites the poem into a silent mic for only his mom to hear. He nails it and she's super proud.