The Yearling Appearances Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Ora Baxter was plainly built for child-bearing" (2.18)

Um, okay. (1) You can't actually tell this from the outside, and (2) it turns out to be untrue. Interesting. This is one moment when Rawlings seems to back away from insisting that the outside matches the inside.

Quote #8

"Them fellers is black as their hearts. You a Baxter and all the Baxters is fair" (3.12)

This is Ma Baxter telling Jody that he shouldn't want to have the black hair of a Forrester, because it's better to have blond hair like the Baxters. ("Black" doesn't mean African-American here—it just means "having dark hair.") Thing is, not all the Forresters are alike. Lem is a nasty piece of business, but Buck seems downright friendly in comparison. So maybe we shouldn't be so quick to judge, hmm, Rawlings?

Quote #9

"The humped and twisted body moved in a series of contortions, like a wounded ape" (5.62)

Maybe this is why Fodder-wing feels such compassion for his animals: he moves (and looks) like an animal in pain.