The Zookeeper's Wife: A War Story Chapter 11 Quotes
The Zookeeper's Wife: A War Story Chapter 11 Quotes
How we cite the quotes:
Quote 1
The idea of safety had shrunk to particles—one snug moment, then the next. (11.12)
Freedom and safety, like McDonald's food and swimsuit season, are mutually exclusive during a war. If you want freedom, you have to risk your safety, and if you want safety, you must sacrifice your freedom.
Quote 2
Antonina wondered if humans might use the same metaphor and picture the war days as "a sort of hibernation of the spirit, when ideas, knowledge, science, enthusiasm for work, understanding, and love—all accumulate inside, [where] nobody can take them from us." (11.1)
Although many people might wish they could have napped through the war, we're not sure if they'd share this idea that war is somehow healing in the long run. War does have a habit of squashing out art and science, after all.