How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
"Adolf has to be stopped," one of the keeps insisted. Jan knew he didn't mean Hitler, but "Adolf the Kidnapped," a nickname given to the ringleader of the rhesus monkeys, who had been waging war with the oldest female, Marta, whose son Adolf had stolen and given to his favorite mate, Nelly, who already had one baby of her own. (2.1)
This line gives a bit of foreshadowing about the upcoming war. Although we know what happened to Adolf Hitler, we never do find out what happened to the Adolf the monkey. His story was lost in the drama of the war.
Quote #2
War wasn't something Antonina wanted to think about, especially since her last experience of war stole both her parents, so she assured herself, as most Poles did, of their solid alliance with France, keeper of a powerful army, and Britain's sworn protection. (3.6)
Even without a personal loss associated with war, most people wouldn't be looking forward to a world war. But Antonina's personal loss makes her feel so desperate that she ends up feeling dependent on France for protection.