Thidwick the Big-Hearted Moose Images

How It All Goes Down

Pesky Pests
And you thought your upstairs neighbors were annoying. Notice how the color is used minimally to highlight the animals against the antlers.

Round They Go
The chase is on. While it's super fun to watch those mustachioed hunters chase poor Thidwick, take a moment to really study the geography. It's geology according to Seuss.

Lake Winna-Bango
Notice how the lake gets the most color of anything. Hey, while we're noticing things, we should point out how the illustration wraps around the words of the story. This picture is officially a twofer.

Motion Emotion
Motion lines and expressive arm moments bring this illustration to life. Cartoony life, but still.

Frowny Face
Thidwick is a depressed moose. While we're sad for him, this picture is a perfect example of how expressive Seuss's flexible-faced characters can be and how the color highlights his mood.

It All Comes Together
This picture has everything: motion, expressions, color, furry characters, drama, comedy, the kitchen sink, Seuss's signature style. You name it; it's here.