How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
"Isn't it better to live in ignorance of everything—asphalt and macadam, vehicles, telephones, television—to live in bliss without knowing it?" (3.16)
This is a quote from 1958, and something that would be completely impossible to do today, even in the remotest regions of Pakistan. Information may travel more slowly there, but it still travels.
Quote #2
Mortenson watched, his heart in his throat, as the students stood at rigid attention and began their "school day" with Pakistan's national anthem. (3.24)
Pakistani children are just like many American children, beginning their school day with their respective nation's anthem.
Quote #3
"It was pretty interesting. […] Someone from Pakistan helping me become computer literate so I could help Pakistani kids get literate." (5.19)
Mortenson finds a helpful Pakistani in the U.S. who helps him learn to use a computer. Although he finds helpful Americans in Pakistan, too, the Americans are usually there for tourism or business purposes; they don't live there.