Find quotes from this novel, with commentary from Shmoop. Pick a theme below to begin.
Education Quotes
Haji Ali, avoiding Mortenson's eyes, said that the village had no school, and the Pakistani government didn't provide a teacher. (3.23)
Women Quotes
[The women] pulled their shawls over their faces when they saw [Mortenson] and ran to put trees between themselves and the Angrezi, the strange white man. (2.37)
Visions of Pakistan Quotes
In Pakistan's Karakoram […] more than sixty of the world's tallest mountains lord their severe alpine beauty over a witnessless high-altitude wilderness. Other than snow leopard and ibex, so few...
Perseverance Quotes
[Mortenson] spent an hour scrambling up a slope of scree, hoping for a vantage point above the boulders and icebergs, a place where he might snare the landmark he was looking for, the great rocky p...
Religion Quotes
The Balti had originally migrated southwest from Tibet, via Ladakh, more than six hundred years ago, and their Buddhism had been scoured away as they traveled over the rocky passes and replaced by...
Contrasting Regions: The U.S. and the Middle East Quotes
"Isn't it better to live in ignorance of everything—asphalt and macadam, vehicles, telephones, television—to live in bliss without knowing it?" (3.16)
Language and Communication Quotes
The [hymn he sang] was too ingrained for Mortenson to consider the novelty of this moment—an American, lost in Pakistan, singing a German hymn in Swahili. (2.8)
Man and the Natural World Quotes
To climbers, who call [K2] "The Savage Peak," it remains the ultimate test, a pyramid of razored granite so steep that snow can't cling to its knife-edged ridges. (1.14)