The Three Musketeers Full Text: Chapter Fifty-Six: Captivity: The Fifth Day

The Three Musketeers Full Text: Chapter Fifty-Six: Captivity: The Fifth Day : Page 10

"Then," continued Milady, "then I collected all my strength; I recalled to my mind that the moment of vengeance, or rather, of justice, had struck. I looked upon myself as another Judith; I gathered myself up, my knife in my hand, and when I saw him near me, stretching out his arms to find his victim, then, with the last cry of agony and despair, I struck him in the middle of his breast.

"The miserable villain! He had foreseen all. His breast was covered with a coat-of-mail; the knife was bent against it.

"’Ah, ah!’ cried he, seizing my arm, and wresting from me the weapon that had so badly served me, ’you want to take my life, do you, my pretty Puritan? But that’s more than dislike, that’s ingratitude! Come, come, calm yourself, my sweet girl! I thought you had softened. I am not one of those tyrants who detain women by force. You don’t love me. With my usual fatuity I doubted it; now I am convinced. Tomorrow you shall be free.’

"I had but one wish; that was that he should kill me.

"’Beware!’ said I, ’for my liberty is your dishonor.’

"’Explain yourself, my pretty sibyl!’

"’Yes; for as soon as I leave this place I will tell everything. I will proclaim the violence you have used toward me. I will describe my captivity. I will denounce this place of infamy. You are placed on high, my Lord, but tremble! Above you there is the king; above the king there is God!’

"However perfect master he was over himself, my persecutor allowed a movement of anger to escape him. I could not see the expression of his countenance, but I felt the arm tremble upon which my hand was placed.

"’Then you shall not leave this place,’ said he.

"’Very well,’ cried I, ’then the place of my punishment will be that of my tomb. I will die here, and you will see if a phantom that accuses is not more terrible than a living being that threatens!’

"’You shall have no weapon left in your power.’

"’There is a weapon which despair has placed within the reach of every creature who has the courage to use it. I will allow myself to die with hunger.’

"’Come,’ said the wretch, ’is not peace much better than such a war as that? I will restore you to liberty this moment; I will proclaim you a piece of immaculate virtue; I will name you the Lucretia of England.’

"’And I will say that you are the Sextus. I will denounce you before men, as I have denounced you before God; and if it be necessary that, like Lucretia, I should sign my accusation with my blood, I will sign it.’

"’Ah!’ said my enemy, in a jeering tone, ’that’s quite another thing. My faith! everything considered, you are very well off here. You shall want for nothing, and if you let yourself die of hunger that will be your own fault.’

"At these words he retired. I heard the door open and shut, and I remained overwhelmed, less, I confess it, by my grief than by the mortification of not having avenged myself.