The Three Sisters Dissatisfaction Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Line)

Quote #4

Andrey: Were you ever in Moscow?
Ferapont: Nope. Things didn't work out that way. (2.28-29)

The old servants Ferapont and Anfisa have the lowest expectations of life—and, yet, the highest satisfaction. Things didn't work out, but why complain about it? They worked out another way!

Quote #5

Masha: Either you know the reason you're alive, or nothing makes any difference. (2.84)

Complete understanding of the universe (does it have to do with #42?), or no happiness at all? That's a tall order, Masha.

Quote #6

Vershinin: We can never be happy. We only want to be happy. (2.112)

Pretty much a philosophical staple in Chekhov: human beings are just masses of perpetual longing.