The Three Sisters Dreams, Hopes, and Plans Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Line)

Quote #4

Andrey: Me, I'm a member of the local County Council, and every night I dream I'm a professor at the University of Moscow, a famous scientist, the pride of Russia! (2.20)

Poor Andrey. All his ambitions are thwarted by settling down with the wrong girl.

Quote #5

Irina: I've got to find another job; this one is all wrong for me. Whatever it was that I wanted or was dreaming of, this is definitely not it. It's work, but there's no poetry in it, no meaning in it… (2.58)

Reality smacks Irina in the face once she starts working. The telegraph office is not even close to the noble, soul-feeding place she imagined in Act I. We understand—it'd be hard to find satisfaction working with the nineteenth-century version of tweets. It's just less fun without the hashtags.

Quote #6

Irina: (Alone, longing). I want to go to Moscow! Moscow! Moscow! (2.224)

Having discovered that work isn't all it's cracked up to be, Irina fixates almost hopelessly on Moscow instead. This is the pipe dream they all cling to throughout the play.