The Three Sisters Society and Class Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Line)

Quote #4

Masha: But her clothes! It's not just that they're ugly, or out of style; they're absolutely pitiful. She'll wear a funny yellow skirt with some awful fringe, and a red blouse. And those little pink cheeks, always scrubbed clean, clean, clean! (1.119)

Masha's description of Natasha's appearance brims with many indications of her lack of class and taste. Come on Masha: don't be shady, be a lady.

Quote #5

Natasha: Tonight's carnival; the maid's all in a tizzy. You got to keep your eyes on them so nothing happens. (2.3)

Since her marriage to Andrey, Natasha enjoys exerting her superiority over the help. So much for the fashion-less chit from the act before.

Quote #6

Masha: Most of the people in this town are so vulgar, so unpleasant, so stupid. Vulgarity upsets me, it wounds me; I get physically sick when I see someone who lacks finesse, who lacks kindness and gentleness. (2.33)

The sisters' delicacy stems from their cultured upbringing in Moscow and troubles them in the countryside. And being physically sick is quite a high level of trouble, if you ask us. Probably how celebrities feel when they're forced to do charity events with normal people.