Character Clues

Character Clues

Character Analysis

Family Life

You can definitely see who's a good guy by how they treat their families in Three Times Lucky. Even though the Colonel and Miss Lana aren't related to Mo by blood, they all treat each other with great kindness and love—and that's how they treat everyone else, too. Dale's father on the other hand is a mega jerk to his whole family… so it's no big surprise when it turns out that he's been working with the murderer, too.


The true test of character in Three Times Lucky is in how people behave when they're placed in stressful situations. For example, Mo proves that she's not your typical little girl when she responds with bravery and grit after both of her guardians go missing. She doesn't weep or despair—instead she tries to find clues so that she can save them. And even though Dale's father calls him a coward, Dale proves that he's as brave as they come when he stands up to his own father with a gun, and charges after a known murderer to help out Mo and her family.