The Threepenny Opera Life, Consciousness, and Existence Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Scene.Line)

Quote #4

MAC. One must live well to know what living is! (2.6.52)

While the Peachum family sing about how unfair and ugly life is, Mac is on the other side of the coin. All those violent lyrics from the Peachums are embodied in the figure of Mac, who sees things in a similar, dog-eat-dog way. Still, rather than complain, he decides to get while the getting's good and steal everything he can.

Quote #5

You lot, who preach restraint and watch your waist as well

Should learn for all time how the world is run:

However much you twist, whatever lies you tell

Food is the first thing. Morals follow on. (2.6.369-372)

"You lot" in this verse are the ones who have enough to eat and are therefore able to worry about portion control. The connection between morality and food goes both ways: you can apply morality to diet, but you can also see that those without enough food don't have much time to be holier than thou.

Quote #6

Mankind is kept alive by bestial acts. (2.6.380)

Leave your cute cat memes and inspirational quotes at the door when you go to see The Threepenny Opera; it's a bleak scene. A grim idea permeates the play: the world is a cruel place, and life is all about who can be the meanest to stay alive and on top.