Mortality Quotes in The Time Traveler's Wife

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Book.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

[Mia to Henry:] "Henry, do you have some kind of death wish?" [Henry:] I consider. "Yes." I turn to the wall, pretending to sleep. (1.7.36)

The blame for his mother's death weighs so heavily on Henry that he wonders if dying is a better choice than continuing to bear the pain of that loss.

Quote #5

[Richard DeTamble to Clare:] "[…] Annette had the most marvelous voice… rich and pure, such a voice, and such range… she could express her soul with that voice, whenever I listened to her I felt like my life meant more than mere biology […] she was a very emotional person, Annette. She brought that out in other people. After she died I don't think I ever really felt anything again." (1.11.102)

Henry's father explains that Annette gave meaning to his existence. Her presence made him feel fully alive, because she allowed him to express his emotions. When she died, his ability to "feel" went with her and now his life means nothing.

Quote #6

[Henry to Clare:] "I can't take this for the wedding. It's too much fun. I mean. Ben's a genius. […] Whatever he's got in here, it plays like a near-death experience." (1.12.164)

Henry seems to enjoy the feeling of being on the edge of death. Given the fact that he continually finds himself near death on his travels, why would he want to feel this way?