To Kill a Mockingbird Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around To Kill a Mockingbird? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Why did Mayella Ewell accuse Tom Robinson of rape?

Because he was a black man and it gave her power
Because he raped her
Because she was just a jerk and wanted his money
Because her friend dared her to
Q. Why is Dolphus Raymond's marriage such a big deal?

It's not that big of a deal in Maycomb
He's stayed married despite being drunk all the time
He married a black woman
He was too young to be getting married
Q. How does Jem break his arm?

Boo attacks Scout and Jem
Bob Ewell attacks him and Scout
Jem was injured in a football game
He arm-wrestled Tom Robinson
Q. Mrs. Henry Lafayette Dubose has an addiction, and it ain't pretty. What is her drug of choice?

Mr. Dubose
Q. What happened to Tom Robinson?

He got a fair trial and went free.
Simon and Garfunkel wrote a song about him.
He was shot and killed by prison guards.
He was sentenced to death by the state.