To My Dear and Loving Husband Resources


Anne Bradstreet Online

Here's a totally awesome website about Bradstreet that includes a biography, poems, links, and more

Bradstreet Biography

A lengthy biography of the poet can be found here, and will tell you everything you ever wanted to know about our poet, and then some.


In case you just want the highlights, here's a timeline of Bradstreet's life from the website of a college American Literature course

Bradstreet's Page at

Yep, she's kind of a big deal.


Just Some Commentary

A guy (with a great 'stache!) talks about Anne Bradstreet for two minutes.

Bradstreet: Weekend Edition

Radio interviewer Scott Simon interviews poet and author Charlotte Gordon, who wrote a biography of Bradstreet in 2005. This segment is full of interesting insight about Bradstreet's life, Puritan culture, and what it was like to be a female poet in the 1600s. It's awesome stuff, so enjoy listening.

Video Timeline

A brief overview of Bradstreet's life, complete with stirring music.


A Reading of the Poem

A woman named Liza Ross reads the poem. It's kind of neat to hear it in a woman's voice, and to imagine what Bradstreet herself might have sounded like.

Poetry Out Loud

For all you Charmed fans out there (if there are any of you left), here's Alyssa Milano's reading of the poem, which was included in the Poetry Out Loud compilation CD, produced by the National Endowment for the Arts and the Poetry Foundation.


Our Lady

Here's a famous painting of the poet in typical Puritan garb.

The Husband

A drawing of Bradstreet's "dear and loving husband," Simon.

Title page of The Tenth Muse

Check out the title page of the first edition (1650) of Bradstreet's book. When you read the whole title, you'll be glad things are a bit shorter these days.


A picture of Bradstreet's headstone in North Andover, Massachusetts. While the words on the stone are nice, we wish they had put one of her own poems up there.

Anne Bradstreet Gate

This gate at Harvard University is named after Anne Bradstreet. Talk about living "ever."

Historical Documents

Bradstreet's Own Handwriting

Here's a manuscript version of a poem Bradstreet wrote for her son, complete with ink smudges.