Tomorrow, When the War Began War Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Suddenly, the loud buzzing became a roar. […] And like black bats screaming out of the sky, blotting out the stars, a V-shaped line of jets raced overhead […] Their noise, their speed, their darkness frightened me. (4.19)

Although this loud interruption in the middle of the night gets brushed off as probably part of the Commemoration Day ceremony, it leaves an icky aftertaste in Ellie's mouth.

Quote #2

I remember hearing on the radio someone saying how prisoners of war had been so grateful for any little scrap of food when they were liberated at the end of World War Two, then two days later they were complaining because they got chicken noodle soup instead of tomato. That was just like us—and still is. (5.41)

This foreshadows how they will feel in a bit once they realize food supplies are going to be real tight.

Quote #3

Fi nodded dumbly, tears rolling down her face. We were all crying again now, even Lee, who kept talking as he wept. (6.159)

We can see how emotionally explosive war is—realizing that everything about life as they've always known it has changed in the blink of an eye is a gut-wrenching moment for these teens.